The development of the dog's teeth
The dog is a preying animal and is naturally equipped with a perfected tool. At birth, the puppy is toothless. At the age of about 3 weeks, 28 milk teeth appear through the gums to freedom. These sharp teeth are gradually shed from the 12th week of life. The change of teeth can last until the 8th month.
Since the first premolar, as well as the molars are not created in the deciduous dentition (when milk teeth are being shed), the permanent dentition contains 42 teeth:
Upper jaw: 6 incisors, 2 fangs, 12 molars.
Lower jaw: 6 incisors, 2 fangs, 14 molars.
Thus, the dog has 10 teeth more than the human.
The exchange of the milk teeth with the permanent teeth is done by pressing the system of permanent teeth through growth from below against the roots of the deciduous teeth. This root dies gradually and thus makes room. The tooth cap of the milk tooth is pushed upwards piece by piece and the permanent tooth grows into its correct position.
Pushing the baby tooth through the gum is a complicated process that can be helped with suitable chewing snacks. Chewing is an instinct and helps to push the gums back. The harder and chewier the snack the more friction, making it easier for the tooth to break through. The bovine head skin in 12.5 cm and the fur strips are especially suitable, because the puppy can salivate on these snacks and then be able to gnaw on it for a long time.

Many dog owners cannot get around the issue of tartar. There are many misconceptions surrounding tartar. It is still the belief that dry food counteracts tartar and wet food promotes this, but neither is the case. In actual fact the composition of the food has much greater influence on the tartar. This comes like all diseases from the inside. That’s why synthetic-free food and regular feeding of bones or hard chews is the best way to prevent tartar.
How often should chewing snacks be fed?
Both puppies and adult dogs enjoy the fun of chewing. We recommend 2-3 times a week for a limited time continue to offer a long-lasting chew. This can be in the form of a raw bone e.g. Veal ribs or beef breast bones. These are more tender and take longer to gnaw. Gnawing helps to prevent tartar and strengthens the masticatory muscles. It keeps the dog focused and can help with stress relief.
Canis Plus® fur strips from various sources of protein can provide a particularly cleansing effect on the teeth. The fur bristles brush lightly on the dental plaque, at the same time the teeth and masticatory muscles are trained and strengthened. From wild dogs, it is known that the bristly fur of the prey consumed inside the intestine gives a cleaning effect, as well as a slag-dissolving and an anti-worming effect. In addition to meat feeding, fur strips are great as fibre.
The Canis Plus® deer antler is ideal for cleaning the teeth of dogs who have allergies. The wild reindeer flyers are pure natural products instinctively used by the wolves for natural dental care.
Smaller treats and training snacks are suitable for a variety of exercises and motivation, as well as providing an energy supply on long trips. Suitable snacks are the Power Sticks or the Starry Sky Biscuits.
Our dog chews are mainly high-quality proteins supplied through meat and fish, consisting of digestible fiber for the healthy gastrointestinal tract. These promote the health of the animal, its play instinct and its power in a natural way. Allergens are avoided in our feed, so that allergy sufferers and sensitive dogs find a rich selection.
Naturavetal® Info
Taste is not everything, but health is. Thus, artificial colors and preservatives have no place in our dogs chewing snacks and, as with our quality food, consistently avoided.
Naturally pure dental care
In nature, wolves use their strong teeth to scrape raw bones and crack them into smaller pieces with their back teeth. This provides the best dental care. Offering chewing snacks such as bovine head skin or fur strips, aid the cleaning of teeth. Many supplementary feeds, e.g. Algae such as Chlorella, Spirulina and Ascophyllum nodosum (seaweed meal), help to keep teeth healthy, through their cleansing effect from the inside out, they can positively change the pH of the saliva. These natural supplements aid the health of the dental palate. Regular oral and dental hygiene makes a significant contribution to this too. Only about 30 seconds daily cleaning with a healthy oil mixture such as Canis Extra Dental Care brings a tremendous benefit to the dental health. In the long run it is really worthwhile to show a young dog at an early age that brushing his teeth will benefit him. It is worth the price and with Canis Extra Dental Care it is quite easy.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone. We are here to help you with comprehensive advice. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by phone at 0208 - 531 7804 or mail