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What Vets Recommend

As a manufacturer, it is important to us to understand you and your pet as a team so that we can provide you with holistic care. We would like to support you in caring for your pet with high-quality products, expert advice and fast service. For us, holistic means recognising all the factors that can influence your pet's health. This can only be achieved by working together with experts who have outstanding knowledge in their respective fields and are committed to the well-being of animals.

More and more vets are rethinking their approach to animal health and are focusing intensively on the topic of nutrition in the area of preventive health care. This should not only be an issue when the animal is already ill. Veterinary practice clearly shows how great an influence feeding has on the health of our animals. It works in two directions – incorrect and inappropriate feeding can cause illnesses to develop and contribute to existing illnesses by prolonging problems or even making them worse. Correct, species-appropriate feeding, on the other hand, can help to ensure that the animal falls ill less frequently and can recover from illnesses more quickly and effectively. It is increasingly being recognised that species-appropriate, natural feeding creates the best basis for a long, happy and vital life.

We are therefore pleased to show you the recommendations of experts that we trust. They are vets who are committed to their protégés on a daily basis and who, like us, are convinced that only nature can show us the right way.

Contact Naturavetal®

Our experts will be happy to advise you personally.

Should you have any questions on this topic, we will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice. 

You can reach us Monday to Friday
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
„As a vet, I love animals and I love nature. As a holistic health and dental expert, I know how important nutrition is in connection with health or illness.“
Andrea Neumann - Veterinarian and owner of the veterinary practice in the Roman Villa Longuich

In dialogue

Andrea Neumann - Veterinarian

„Health begins in the gut - without a functioning intestinal system, animals suffer from many diseases, some of which are serious. These include not only functional limitations of the digestive organs (IGOR, IBD, pancreatic insufficiency, etc.), but also dental problems, allergies, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders and even mental illnesses. Almost every disease has its origin in the gut. The intestinal environment is a very sensitive system consisting of bacteria, viruses and even fungi and parasites, which all live together symbiotically. Only when this environment is disturbed does the organism fall ill.

If it plays such an important role, how can we protect or heal the intestines of our dogs and cats?

With the right diet, of course. Because "you are what you eat" also applies to our animals. For me,  the following criteria for labelling a good feed is that it must be free from any chemical additives, have an open declaration, use high-quality proteins, good digestibility, use valuable ingredients, palatability and health-promoting effect. All types of food from Naturavetal® fulfil these criteria, both for dogs and cats, so I highly recommend this company to the best of my knowledge and belief. On top of that, the dry food is also cold pressed. This is a gentle cooking process with less heat. It protects the valuable nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, but also other secondary plant substances that are naturally contained in the ingredients, in the best possible way so that they do not have to be added artificially. So even more natural! 

Naturavetal® also shows commitment and supports our practice in animal welfare campaigns. When quality and heart come together, it's unique. Many thanks for that!!!" 

Best regards 
Andrea Neumann GpCert Dent & Os 
(Veterinary surgeon, owner of the veterinary practice at the Roman villa in Longuich)

Holistic feeding concepts for individual requirements

We want to provide all dogs and cats with a rich supply of nutrients, that is natural, high quality and flexible enough to give each animal the meal that best suits its individual needs. 

Your pet's current phase of life, state of health and activity level can strongly influence and change its individual needs. This is why you need flexible, holistic feeding concepts that are natural and can always be adapted to your pet's individual needs. Whether it's dry food, a complete wet meal or customised rations with our pure meat variations with natural supplements - our food varieties offer you numerous combination options to feed your dog and cat in a species-appropriate way.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone. We are here to help you with comprehensive advice. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by phone at 0208 - 531 7804 or mail

Naturavetal® food samples

We will be happy to send you food samples and help you choose the right variety

The Naturavetal® Newsletter

In our newsletter, we inform you about innovations in natural, healthy food for dogs and cats