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Healthy Puppy Food: The Right Start in Life

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It is a big responsibility to look after a new creature. There are so many questions that concern the fresh puppy owners, that sometimes it is not easy to keep track and opt for a straightforward parenting and feeding concept. Even for experienced dog owners, raising a puppy with a clear conscience poses a big challenge. Different feeding trends become more and more popular over time, so that the dog owner has to keep himself thoroughly informed which puppy food is the best choice for the little one’s health and at the same time integrates well into the lifestyle of its owners. Our many years of experience shows that it does not matter which feeding concept you choose, there is always a way to assemble food naturally, healthily and, above all, holistically.

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10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Changing from Extrudated feed to Cold Pressed Puppy Feed

Not every dog ​​has been nourished with natural foods from an early age, but has, as in most cases, started on extruded fodder with synthetic vitamins and flavors.  Switching or converting to Cold Pressed feed with no additives is a complete change. The body needs to be cleansed of the old food. The old food is never mixed with the new one, but the meals are completely replaced by Canis Plus® cold-pressed puppy food or Complete Meals, as otherwise a very different porridge forms in the stomach of the dog, which is difficult to digest and may result in some discomfort.


For existing conditions and symptoms such as pulpy faeces, diarrhea, flatulence, the conversion can be individually discussed with our consultation team. 

In rare cases, one has to expect that it will take a few days to cleanse, as the body wants to get rid of old refuse/remains. This is usually self-evident. In order to support this process, we recommend adding a carrot puree or simply use Canis Extra carrot granules. This is a rich pectin supplier and a quick help with diet-related gastrointestinal disorders.The intestinal flora can be negatively affected following severe intestinal diseases, after chemical worming and the administration of antibiotics and medicines. To support the intestinal flora we recommend using Canis Extra Petflora. Our advisory team is happy to help. If the puppy is already eating a cold-pressed puppy food, which is free of synthetic additives, the conversion is much easier and less complicated, because you can easily switch directly to Canis Plus® puppy food.

When does a puppy begin adult food?

A healthy puppy food is usually intended for a longer growing period than when using extrudated feed. The main growth takes place in the first 12 months, during which the young dog can make good use of the vitamins, minerals and trace elements of the healthy food. In general, the dog grows and forms until he is 2 years old. At this time, whatever food you choose to feed your dog will not change anything, but as an owner, you can positively support the growth path. The energy content of the high quality crude protein and carbohydrates in the Canis Plus® puppy food is formulated for a growing dog. So, the growth of the dog takes place slowly, but continuously. This helps to control growth spurts and can spare the joints.

For your puppy, you can choose from two popular recipes, which offer a healthy meal to puppies of all breeds due to their particularly rich composition and the different pellet sizes.  Our cold-pressed puppy food has a special feature that makes it unique.


Canis Plus® Puppy Food

We recommend feeding the Canis Plus® puppy and young dog food at least until the age of 12 months.

Cold pressed puppy food for allergy sufferers

Canis Plus® salmon can help countless sensitive dogs and it is also a grain-free alternative for allergy sufferers or dogs with intolerances. This proven variety is now available as a puppy food. It is sometimes unfortunate that the very little ones have gotten an unfavorable start in life and need a more sensitive diet for a while. Canis Plus® salmon contains more salmon and minerals so is suitable for the as the sole food source.

BARF for puppies with combination of dry and wet food

Naturavetal provide an assortment of feed for a simple, fast accompaniment to the raw meat diet. Both Canis Plus® puppy food varieties are easy to integrate into the BARF concept. Pure meats and healthy offal are available from our meat pots and meat rolls. Use it as a reward or as a meal.

You can also add a vegetable garnish to these meat products. You can add the vitamin flakes and a calcium source such as Canis Extra Organic Eggshell Powder or Canis Extra Seaweed Lime to raw food and then you have a complete meal that you can feed instead of the menus. 

Which chewing snacks are suitable for puppies?

Fish skin sticks they are good chews to give to the puppy during the 3rd to 8th month while they are going through the change from milk teeth to adult teeth.  When gnawing these chew snacks, the young dog must first salivate them, so they slowly soften – a great occupation that the puppies like to use for extensive nibbling. Beware of giving too many chewing snacks, if the dog gets too many chews a day, they must be deducted from the total amount of food allocated.

Another option is to take the dry food as a treat and save yourself all other options for very special exercises / tasks in training. Of course, as a dog owner you are happy to spoil your dog – but you can spoil it too much. Starry fish treats are a special treat during the training. Particularly good are mini cubes of beef, horse lung, lamb lung and goat lung as they are low in calorie. If you do not overdo it with the treats, only giving a few small pieces, they do not have to be deducted from the total amount of food.

Which nutritional supplements are suitable for puppies?

There are a lot of options for feeding, with which you can support your dog. Whether high-quality oils, natural care products or nutritional supplements for puppies – for every coat and for every age, we have the right products available to respond to the individual needs of your new puppy. 

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone. We are here to help you with comprehensive advice. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by phone at 0208 - 531 7804 or mail

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